The DevicePickerDelegate will receive a message when the user cancels or selects a ConnectableDevice from the DevicePicker list. This is the preferred method of selecting a device from DiscoveryManager.
- - (void) devicePicker:(DevicePicker *)picker didSelectDevice:(ConnectableDevice *)device
When the user selects a ConnectableDevice from the DevicePicker’s list, this method will be called with the selected ConnectableDevice.
- picker – DevicePicker that device was selected from
- didSelectDevice: device – ConnectableDevice that was selected by the user
- - (void) devicePicker:(DevicePicker *)picker didCancelWithError:(NSError *)error
This method is called if the user presses the cancel button in the picker or if Connect SDK forces a cancellation. If Connect SDK forces a cancellation, there will be an NSError object passed with the reason.
- picker – DevicePicker that was cancelled
- didCancelWithError: error – NSError with a description of the failure