

Default implementation of ConnectableDeviceStore. It stores data in a file in application data directory.


long created
Date (in seconds from 1970) that the ConnectableDeviceStore was created.
long updated
Date (in seconds from 1970) that the ConnectableDeviceStore was last updated.
int version
Current version of the ConnectableDeviceStore, may be necessary for migrations
long maxStoreDuration = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(3)
Max length of time for a ConnectableDevice to remain in the ConnectableDeviceStore without being discovered. Default is 3 days, and modifications to this value will trigger a scan for old devices.


void addDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Add a ConnectableDevice to the ConnectableDeviceStore. If the ConnectableDevice is already stored, it’s record will be updated.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to add to the ConnectableDeviceStore
void removeDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Removes a ConnectableDevice’s record from the ConnectableDeviceStore.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to remove from the ConnectableDeviceStore
void updateDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Updates a ConnectableDevice’s record in the ConnectableDeviceStore.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to update in the ConnectableDeviceStore
void removeAll ()
Clears out the ConnectableDeviceStore, removing all records.
JSONObject getStoredDevices ()
A JSONObject of all ConnectableDevices in the ConnectableDeviceStore. To gt a strongly-typed ConnectableDevice object, use the getDevice(String); method.
ConnectableDevice getDevice (String uuid)

Gets a ConnectableDevice object for a provided id. The id may be for the ConnectableDevice object or any of the DeviceServices.


  • uuid – Unique ID for a ConnectableDevice or any of its DeviceService objects

Returns: ConnectableDevice object if a matching uuit was found, otherwise will return null

ServiceConfig getServiceConfig (ServiceDescription serviceDescription)

Gets a ServcieConfig object for a provided UUID. This is used by DiscoveryManager to retain crucial service information between sessions (pairing code, etc).


  • serviceDescription – Description for the service

Returns: ServiceConfig object if matching description was found, otherwise will return null

Inherited Methods

void addDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Add a ConnectableDevice to the ConnectableDeviceStore. If the ConnectableDevice is already stored, it’s record will be updated.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to add to the ConnectableDeviceStore
void removeDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Removes a ConnectableDevice’s record from the ConnectableDeviceStore.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to remove from the ConnectableDeviceStore
void updateDevice (ConnectableDevice device)

Updates a ConnectableDevice’s record in the ConnectableDeviceStore.


  • device – ConnectableDevice to update in the ConnectableDeviceStore
JSONObject getStoredDevices ()
A JSONObject of all ConnectableDevices in the ConnectableDeviceStore. To gt a strongly-typed ConnectableDevice object, use the getDevice(String); method.
ConnectableDevice getDevice (String uuid)

Gets a ConnectableDevice object for a provided id. The id may be for the ConnectableDevice object or any of the DeviceServices.


  • uuid – Unique ID for a ConnectableDevice or any of its DeviceService objects

Returns: ConnectableDevice object if a matching uuit was found, otherwise will return null

ServiceConfig getServiceConfig (ServiceDescription serviceDescription)

Gets a ServcieConfig object for a provided UUID. This is used by DiscoveryManager to retain crucial service information between sessions (pairing code, etc).


  • serviceDescription – Description for the service

Returns: ServiceConfig object if matching description was found, otherwise will return null

void removeAll ()
Clears out the ConnectableDeviceStore, removing all records.