


ConnectableDevice serves as a normalization layer between your app and each of the device’s services. It consolidates a lot of key data about the physical device and provides access to underlying functionality.

In Depth

ConnectableDevice consolidates some key information about the physical device, including model name, friendly name, ip address, connected DeviceService names, etc. In some cases, it is not possible to accurately select which DeviceService has the best friendly name, model name, etc. In these cases, the values of these properties are dependent upon the order of DeviceService discovery.

To be informed of any ready/pairing/disconnect messages from each of the DeviceService, you must set a listener.

ConnectableDevice exposes capabilities that exist in the underlying DeviceServices such as TV Control, Media Player, Media Control, Volume Control, etc. These capabilities, when accessed through the ConnectableDevice, will be automatically chosen from the most suitable DeviceService by using that DeviceService’s CapabilityPriorityLevel.


void setPairingType (PairingType pairingType)

set desirable pairing type for all services


  • pairingType
void addService (DeviceService service)

Adds a DeviceService to the ConnectableDevice instance. Only one instance of each DeviceService type (webOS, Netcast, etc) may be attached to a single ConnectableDevice instance. If a device contains your service type already, your service will not be added.


  • service – DeviceService to be added
void removeService (DeviceService service)

Removes a DeviceService from the ConnectableDevice instance.


  • service – DeviceService to be removed
void removeServiceWithId (String serviceId)

Removes a DeviceService from the ConnectableDevice instance.


  • serviceId – ID of the DeviceService to be removed (DLNA, webOS TV, etc)
Collection<DeviceService> getServices ()
Array of all currently discovered DeviceServices this ConnectableDevice has associated with it.
DeviceService getServiceByName (String serviceName)

Obtains a service from the ConnectableDevice with the provided serviceName


  • serviceName – Service ID of the targeted DeviceService (webOS, Netcast, DLNA, etc)

Returns: DeviceService with the specified serviceName or nil, if none exists

void removeServiceByName (String serviceName)

Removes a DeviceService form the ConnectableDevice instance. serviceName is used as the identifier because only one instance of each DeviceService type may be attached to a single ConnectableDevice instance.


  • serviceName – Name of the DeviceService to be removed from the ConnectableDevice.
DeviceService getServiceWithUUID (String serviceUUID)

Returns a DeviceService from the ConnectableDevice instance. serviceUUID is used as the identifier because only one instance of each DeviceService type may be attached to a single ConnectableDevice instance.


  • serviceUUID – UUID of the DeviceService to be returned
void addListener (ConnectableDeviceListener listener)

Adds the ConnectableDeviceListener to the list of listeners for this ConnectableDevice to receive certain events.


  • listener – ConnectableDeviceListener to listen to device events (connect, disconnect, ready, etc)
void setListener (ConnectableDeviceListener listener)

Clears the array of listeners and adds the provided listener to the array. If listener is null, the array will be empty.

This method is deprecated. Since version 1.2.1, use ConnectableDevice::addListener(ConnectableDeviceListener listener) instead


  • listener – ConnectableDeviceListener to listen to device events (connect, disconnect, ready, etc)
void removeListener (ConnectableDeviceListener listener)

Removes a previously added ConenctableDeviceListener from the list of listeners for this ConnectableDevice.


  • listener – ConnectableDeviceListener to be removed

List<ConnectableDeviceListener> getListeners ()

void connect ()

Enumerates through all DeviceServices and attempts to connect to each of them. When all of a ConnectableDevice’s DeviceServices are ready to receive commands, the ConnectableDevice will send a onDeviceReady message to its listener.

It is always necessary to call connect on a ConnectableDevice, even if it contains no connectable DeviceServices.

void disconnect ()
Enumerates through all DeviceServices and attempts to disconnect from each of them.
boolean isConnectable ()
Whether the device has any DeviceServices that require an active connection (websocket, HTTP registration, etc)
void sendPairingKey (String pairingKey)

Sends a pairing key to all discovered device services.


  • pairingKey – Pairing key to send to services.
void cancelPairing ()
Explicitly cancels pairing on all services that require pairing. In some services, this will hide a prompt that is displaying on the device.
List<String> getCapabilities ()
A combined list of all capabilities that are supported among the detected DeviceServices.
boolean hasCapability (String capability)

Test to see if the capabilities array contains a given capability. See the individual Capability classes for acceptable capability values.

It is possible to append a wildcard search term .Any to the end of the search term. This method will return true for capabilities that match the term up to the wildcard.

Example: Launcher.App.Any


  • capability – Capability to test against
boolean hasAnyCapability (String… capabilities)

Test to see if the capabilities array contains at least one capability in a given set of capabilities. See the individual Capability classes for acceptable capability values.

See hasCapability: for a description of the wildcard feature provided by this method.


  • capabilities – Array of capabilities to test against
boolean hasCapabilities (List<String> capabilities)

Test to see if the capabilities array contains a given set of capabilities. See the individual Capability classes for acceptable capability values.

See hasCapability: for a description of the wildcard feature provided by this method.


  • capabilities – Array of capabilities to test against
boolean hasCapabilities (String… capabilites)

Test to see if the capabilities array contains a given set of capabilities. See the individual Capability classes for acceptable capability values.

See hasCapability: for a description of the wildcard feature provided by this method.


  • capabilites – Array of capabilities to test against
Launcher getLauncher ()
Accessor for highest priority Launcher object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer ()
Accessor for highest priority MediaPlayer object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
MediaControl getMediaControl ()
Accessor for highest priority MediaControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
PlaylistControl getPlaylistControl ()
Accessor for highest priority PlaylistControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
VolumeControl getVolumeControl ()
Accessor for highest priority VolumeControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
WebAppLauncher getWebAppLauncher ()
Accessor for highest priority WebAppLauncher object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
TVControl getTVControl ()
Accessor for highest priority TVControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
ToastControl getToastControl ()
Accessor for highest priority ToastControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
TextInputControl getTextInputControl ()
Accessor for highest priority TextInputControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
MouseControl getMouseControl ()
Accessor for highest priority MouseControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
ExternalInputControl getExternalInputControl ()
Accessor for highest priority ExternalInputControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
PowerControl getPowerControl ()
Accessor for highest priority PowerLauncher object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
KeyControl getKeyControl ()
Accessor for highest priority KeyControl object This method is deprecated. Use ConnectableDevice::getCapability(Class<T> controllerClass) method instead
void setIpAddress (String ipAddress)

Sets the IP address of the ConnectableDevice.


  • ipAddress – IP address of the ConnectableDevice
String getIpAddress ()
Gets the Current IP address of the ConnectableDevice.
void setFriendlyName (String friendlyName)

Sets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current friendly name.


  • friendlyName – Friendly name of the device
String getFriendlyName ()
Gets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current friendly name.
void setLastKnownIPAddress (String lastKnownIPAddress)

Sets the last IP address this ConnectableDevice was discovered at.


  • lastKnownIPAddress – Last known IP address of the device & it’s services
String getLastKnownIPAddress ()
Gets the last IP address this ConnectableDevice was discovered at.
void setLastSeenOnWifi (String lastSeenOnWifi)

Sets the name of the last wireless network this ConnectableDevice was discovered on.


  • lastSeenOnWifi – Last Wi-Fi network this device & it’s services were discovered on
String getLastSeenOnWifi ()
Gets the name of the last wireless network this ConnectableDevice was discovered on.
void setLastConnected (long lastConnected)

Sets the last time (in milli seconds from 1970) that this ConnectableDevice was connected to.


  • lastConnected – Last connected time
long getLastConnected ()
Gets the last time (in milli seconds from 1970) that this ConnectableDevice was connected to.
void setLastDetection (long lastDetection)

Sets the last time (in milli seconds from 1970) that this ConnectableDevice was detected.


  • lastDetection – Last detected time
long getLastDetection ()
Gets the last time (in milli seconds from 1970) that this ConnectableDevice was detected.
void setModelName (String modelName)

Sets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current model name.


  • modelName – Model name of the ConnectableDevice
String getModelName ()
Gets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current model name.
void setModelNumber (String modelNumber)

Sets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current model number.


  • modelNumber – Model number of the ConnectableDevice
String getModelNumber ()
Gets an estimate of the ConnectableDevice’s current model number.
void setId (String id)

Sets the universally unique id of this particular ConnectableDevice object. This is used internally in the SDK and should not be used.


  • id – New id for the ConnectableDevice
String getId ()
Universally unique id of this particular ConnectableDevice object, persists between sessions in ConnectableDeviceStore for connected devices
public<T extends CapabilityMethods> T getCapability (Class<T> controllerClass)

Get a capability with the highest priority from a device. If device doesn’t have such capability then returns null.


  • controllerClass – type of capability

Returns: capability implementation

Inherited Methods

void onConnectionRequired (DeviceService service)

If the DeviceService requires an active connection (websocket, pairing, etc) this method will be called.


  • service – DeviceService that requires connection
void onConnectionSuccess (DeviceService service)

After the connection has been successfully established, and after pairing (if applicable), this method will be called.


  • service – DeviceService that was successfully connected
void onCapabilitiesUpdated (DeviceService service, List<String> added, List<String> removed)

There are situations in which a DeviceService will update the capabilities it supports and propagate these changes to the DeviceService. Such situations include:

  • on discovery, DIALService will reach out to detect if certain apps are installed
  • on discovery, certain DeviceServices need to reach out for version & region information

For more information on this particular method, see ConnectableDeviceDelegate’s connectableDevice:capabilitiesAdded:removed: method.


  • service – DeviceService that has experienced a change in capabilities
  • added – List<String> of capabilities that are new to the DeviceService
  • removed – List<String> of capabilities that the DeviceService has lost
void onDisconnect (DeviceService service, Error error)

This method will be called on any disconnection. If error is nil, then the connection was clean and likely triggered by the responsible DiscoveryProvider or by the user.


  • service – DeviceService that disconnected
  • error – Error with a description of any errors causing the disconnect. If this value is nil, then the disconnect was clean/expected.
void onConnectionFailure (DeviceService service, Error error)

Will be called if the DeviceService fails to establish a connection.


  • service – DeviceService which has failed to connect
  • error – Error with a description of the failure
void onPairingRequired (DeviceService service, PairingType pairingType, Object pairingData)

If the DeviceService requires pairing, valuable data will be passed to the delegate via this method.


  • service – DeviceService that requires pairing
  • pairingType – PairingType that the DeviceService requires
  • pairingData – Any data that might be required for the pairing process, will usually be nil

void onPairingSuccess (DeviceService service)


  • service
void onPairingFailed (DeviceService service, Error error)

If there is any error in pairing, this method will be called.


  • service – DeviceService that has failed to complete pairing
  • error – Error with a description of the failure