Beam Media

A common use case with Connect SDK will be to beam a simple media file (image, video, audio) to a TV. The following is a quick example of how you can beam an image onto a TV. This example is assuming that you have discovered & connected to a device.

Beam an image file

String mediaURL = ""; // credit: Blender Foundation/CC By 3.0
String iconURL = ""; // credit:
String title = "Sintel Character Design";
String description = "Blender Open Movie Project";
String mimeType = "image/jpeg";

MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo.Builder(mediaURL, mimeType)

// These variable should be class fields
// LaunchSession mLaunchSession;
// MediaControl mMediaControl;
// ConnectableDevice mDevice;

MediaPlayer.LaunchListener listener = new MediaPlayer.LaunchListener() {
    public void onSuccess(MediaLaunchObject object) {
        // save these object references to control media playback
        mLaunchSession = object.launchSession;
        mMediaControl = object.mediaControl;

        // you will want to enable your media control UI elements here

    public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) {
        Log.d("App Tag", "Display photo failure: " + error);

mDevice.getMediaPlayer().displayImage(mediaInfo, listener);

Beam an audio/video file

String mediaURL = ""; // credit: Blender Foundation/CC By 3.0
String iconURL = ""; // credit:
String title = "Sintel Trailer";
String description = "Blender Open Movie Project";
String mimeType = "video/mp4"; // audio/* for audio files

SubtitleInfo subtitles = null;
if (getTv().hasCapability(MediaPlayer.Subtitle_WebVTT)) {
      subtitles = new SubtitleInfo.Builder("")
            .setLabel("English subtitles")
MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo.Builder(mediaURL, mimeType)

// These variables should be class fields
// LaunchSession mLaunchSession;
// MediaControl mMediaControl;
// ConnectableDevice mDevice;

MediaPlayer.LaunchListener listener = new MediaPlayer.LaunchListener() {
    public void onSuccess(MediaLaunchObject object) {
        // save these object references to control media playback
        mLaunchSession = object.launchSession;
        mMediaControl = object.mediaControl;

        // you will want to enable your media control UI elements here

    public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) {
        Log.d("App Tag", "Play media failure: " + error);

mDevice.getMediaPlayer().playMedia(mediaInfo, false, listener);

Control media playback

In the previous example, you will notice that the success block was called with a mediaControl object. In order to control the media in the current playback session, you will need to store a reference to this mediaControl object and call control methods on that object.

// pause media file

// play media file;

// seek to 10 seconds, null);

// close media file
// or
mDevice.getMediaPlayer().closeMedia(mLaunchSession, null);

Beam a playlist

// These variables should be class fields
// LaunchSession mLaunchSession;
// MediaControl mMediaControl;
// PlaylistControl mPlaylistControl;
// ConnectableDevice mDevice;

MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo.Builder("your-playlist.m3u", "application/x-mpegurl")
        .setDescription("Playlist description")

mDevice.getMediaPlayer().playMedia(mediaInfo, false, new MediaPlayer.LaunchListener() {
    public void onSuccess(MediaLaunchObject object) {
        // save these object references to control media playback
        mLaunchSession = object.launchSession;
        mMediaControl = object.mediaControl;
        // playlistControl can be null if it's not supported by a service
        mPlaylistControl = object.playlistControl;
        // you will want to enable your media control UI elements here

    public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) {
        Log.d("App Tag", "Play playlist failure: " + error);

Control a playlist

// play previous track
// play next track;
// play a track specified by index (index starts from zero)
mPlaylistControl.jumpToTrack(0, null);