
Abstracts and encapsulates asynchrony, that is how and where blocks are run. Using this protocol, you can easily change which dispatch queue or NSOperationQueue delegate blocks are run on, instead of hard-coding dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ });. For example:

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0);
AppStateChangeNotifier *notifier = [AppStateChangeNotifier new];
notifier.blockRunner = [[DispatchQueueBlockRunner alloc] initWithDispatchQueue:queue];

Another great use case is turning asynchronous tests into synchronous, making them faster and easier:

- (void)testStartListeningShouldSubscribeToDidBackgroundEvent {
    AppStateChangeNotifier *notifier = [AppStateChangeNotifier new];
    notifier.blockRunner = [SynchronousBlockRunner new];
    [notifier startListening];

    __block BOOL verified = NO;
    notifier.didBackgroundBlock = ^{
        verified = YES;
    [self postNotificationName:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification];

    XCTAssertTrue(verified, @"didBackgroundBlock should be called");

Here we use the synchronous block runner (instead of the default asynchronous, main queue one) to avoid writing asynchronous tests with XCTestExpectation.


- (void) runBlock:(nonnull VoidBlock)block

Runs the given block somewhere, depending on the concrete implementation.


  • block – block to run; must not be nil.
- (void) runBlock:(nonnull VoidBlock)block

Runs the given block somewhere, depending on the concrete implementation.


  • block – block to run; must not be nil.




A type for blocks without arguments and no return value.